Global Game Jam 2022 | What It Is And Signups

The Global Game Jam is an international game jam hosted by a variety of organizations to encourage the development of games by everyone! In 72 hours, participants work in individual groups to create a game that fits around the theme of that jam. This year, GGJ is online, so you can participate in it from the comfort of your home and with people all over the globe.

Click here to join the site!

Click here to join the Discord!

This year, the Student Game Developers Alliance has it's own site for the jam! The main site will be on Discord, where you can find a team or join with one already made! The link to this Discord will be found on registration, along with information about the verification process. If you want to join another jam this weekend, some of our member schools are hosting jams this weekend! Please be sure to follow the rules of their jam site.