The Student Games Showcase is a segment of the SGDA Summit 2024 where we invite student developers to the Summit stream to play their games and talk about their development! Notwithstanding whether or not you want your game to be showcased on-stream, all games that meet our guidelines this year will be entered into a virtual showcase with optional written interviews. All game teams of the Showcase can choose to be considered for a minimum 100 USD mini-grant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not at all! We don’t expect your game to be finished by the deadline, but we do expect it to be playable enough for us to judge whether or not it meets the content guidelines. Bugs or unfinished content won’t be held against your game for selection. We will request for selected games to send in any final builds by 6/20/22.
SGDA is making an effort not to judge games only by polish or amount of content. We will be factoring in the uniqueness, meaning, and impact of the games’ content and/or creators. We hope that in this way we can include smaller teams and less experienced developers.
Once we review submissions, we will coordinate with all applicants to finalize their game information and graphic(s) to be shown on the showcase webpage and on stream in-between events.
We will invite you onto the stream for an interview regarding your game. If you opt-in, we will be in contact with you to request further information/graphics if necessary, review our livestream guidelines, and arrange a timeslot for your game’s segment. Time slots of each segment will be at least 30 minutes (length pending). We may also perform a tech check and request any updated builds before 6/20/22.

Showcased Games


Uniwersytet Opolski, Block A

Soul Of The Forest

University of Michigan, Block A

The Remake of the End of the Greatest RPG of All Time

University of California, Davis, Block B

Battle of The Bands: Orientation Day

California State University, Fullerton, Block B

Corrupt Eldritch Order

University of Michigan, Block C

Zuk's Delivery

California State University, Fullerton, Block D

Prize Fighter

University of Central Florida, Block D

Fuchsia Moon

Irvine Valley College, Block E

Erased Love

California State University, Fullerton, Block E

Conjure Chaos

UC Irvine

Mars The Silent Planet

University Of Polytechnics Bucharest Computer Science Faculty


King's College London